The story behind the Modern Business Logo

Symbol of our purpose

The modern business logo symbolises the purpose of products and services we offer to help our customers grow their company.

The logo represents our mission to help companies survive, thrive, and dominate their respective market sectors. We do this by combining proven techniques and creative and transformational changes using design thinking.

Modern business products and services are systematically organised to monitor customers’ progress towards their goals.

As for rules of any game, businesses growth too can be a pre-organised set of steps. Our modern business blueprint explains the steps needed to grow any business.

Similarly, the business growth navigator program teaches tactics and helps you develop an action plan to match your unique business circumstances. Our Modern Business Blueprint, Business Navigator Training, and related services are helpful to those owning or managing an established business or even just starting up a brand-new company.

We believe the business owners and managers want their businesses to succeed, and we believe our systematic approach will help them grow their business in an ever-evolving market place.

In a nutshell, the logo represents our belief in helping our customers achieve their aspirations. Now let us explain in more detail the thoughts behind the design.

The thinking behind the design

We explain our thinking in two parts below. The first part of the design concept explains the concentric circles, and the second part describes the two sets of rings, size and the choice of colours.

Why use concentric circles?

The concentric circles represent the incremental growth of businesses. Let us explain!

We understand businesses are complex and consist of many interrelated processes and resources. Working on one part of the business without a holistic view of the business will not necessarily deliver expected outcomes. Hence we take a systems engineering approach to business growth.

“Eighty-five per cent of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee. The role of management is to change the process rather than badgering individuals to do better.” – W. Edwards Deming.

PDCA Cycle

Our logo uses a circle to represent the boundary around the businesses internal value chains and consider them as a whole and how businesses interact with their suppliers and markets. The use of multiple rings represents an expansion of a company and leverages the age-old PDCA cycle to explain the developments and growth of the company.

PDCA is known as plan–do–check–act, and it is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.

The PDCA cycle was developed by renowned management consultant Dr William Edwards Deming in the 1950s. But over the past 70 years or so, it has taken several different forms within industries and been refined and evolved to suit the current day businesses.

The ten-step proprietary growth blueprint we have developed incorporates the philosophy of PDCA cycles together with many more of today’s proven techniques to grow and expand companies.

The use of concentric circles within our logo is a simplistic representation of numerous incremental growth cycles.

Back story

The inspiration for the concentric circles has originated from the founder’s visit to The Guggenheim Museum in New York, USA.

The architecture of the Guggenheim museum’s external view has an upside-down conical shape. Internal structures have a circular slope that rises from the ground level to the top level. In the founder’s imaginative view, the art form of this building represents the company growth and expansion.

You can check out the details of the Guggenheim museum here..

Why use two sets of concentric circles?

Two sets of concentric circles represent the market adaption of business to external disturbances. Let us explain why we have chosen red and blue concentric circles and the difference in sizes.

The two sets of rings represent the transformational changes in businesses to stay relevant and expand.

As opposed to incremental improvement, transformational changes require redesign and overhaul of business models to achieve growth.

The red set of circles represents the business competing in the existing market conditions. The blue circles represent the companies shifting from their current market position and transforming their business to new and evolving market conditions.

The relative positioning of the centre of the concentric circles represents the growth. The size of the “circles” represents the expanding market dominance of a company within their market sectors.

Blue Ocean Strategy.

Inspiration for the choice of colours came from the metaphor described in the book titled “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W.C Kim and R Mauborgne.

The red sea represents the intense and bloody competition and captures the reality that businesses are increasingly facing due to the high competition within a finite market.

The blue ocean represents endless opportunity within an uncontested marketplace characterised by new demand and profitable growth.

Refer to our logo page for more details on the red and blue ocean strategy.

Are you ready to grow your business?

Our services help businesses and organisations modernise their value chain and assist in growing their businesses.

We provide training and coaching to owners, business managers, and management consultants who want to take their company or their client’s company to the next level.

Our business navigator program will assist both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations grow their business to the next level fast.

Suppose you are looking for ideas to grow your company; we welcome you to participate in our weekly bite-sized training sessions or join our membership site and take advantage of the offers while it is available for free.

Are you ready now?

If you are ready to speed up your business transformation, book a one on one call with us to see how we can help you grow faster.

Your invitation

So, no matter what stage in the business you are in, if you are looking to take your company to the next level, we invite you to connect with us to help you achieve your company’s growth goals faster.

How To Connect With Us?