Overcome interruptions and grow your business.

Online 477 Boundary Street, Spring Hill, Queensland., Australia

In recent times business disruptions have challenged many companies and organisations. Disruptions are changing the entire competitive landscape within which businesses operate. Such changes are creating opportunities and threats. To survive, companies should avoid potential problems and turn the threats into opportunities. We will introduce you to a 10 step process to exactly how to do this during this hour. Getting this process right will help maximise the chances of growing your business to the next level. In some cases, it will save the company from failures.


Future of “Work-from-anywhere”: Unlocking value for your business

Online 477 Boundary Street, Spring Hill, Queensland., Australia

Working From Home(WFH) has become a norm during COVID lockdowns. WFH is particularly true for most " knowledge workers!". WFH is here to stay even in post COVID era. During this presentation and discussion, we will explore: 1) What this means to you and your organisation in the future and 2) How to leverage this situation to your advantage.


How to find the right help to grow your business?

Online 477 Boundary Street, Spring Hill, Queensland., Australia

We will explore how to find affordable help to grow your business to the next level by better structuring the company's growth path. This session is applicable for both established and start-up businesses. You need to note that "Consulting is logistics & The content is king". There are several options available in the current environment for those seeking external(i.e. expert) help. During this hour, we will discuss: 1) Explore many options available in the current businesses environment. 2) How to choose the right help to move your business forward.

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